
New Year Resolutions 2019

December 31, 2018

New Year, new me, new habits, new routines, new diet, new everything.

All the New Year Resolutions coming out to play. However you tackle NYE and whatever works for you, go for it! My personal take NY transitions is exactly that, it’s all about transitions. With a new year settling in you take time to look back at all that’s been accomplished or left behind in the past year. After you spend a few minutes or hours reflecting you’re now in the mindset to set new resolutions/goals.

I feel like each year has a personal theme tailored for you. Your personal theme could have been personal or professional growth, new beginnings or lessons learned, whatever it was, it was meant for you to experience. Trust in that.

I’m sure there are resolutions that didn’t stick this year, hey it happens…like all the time. So, my advice on creating resolutions for the next year is picking your theme. What is it that you want to focus on accomplishing? Then think backwards, how do I accomplish such goal? What steps do I need to take to kick start this? JUST START, I’ve learned that continuous planning TO start is a waste of time, get going and you’re already ahead.

Are you looking to get more organized?
• Konmari your life – it’s my life motto right now. “Marie Kondo’s method of organizing is known as the KonMari method, and consists of gathering together all of one’s belongings, one category at a time, and then keeping only those things that “spark joy” and choosing a place for everything from then on.” You can either read her book ‘The Life-changing Magic of Tidying Up: the Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing” or catch her new Netflix series premiering January 1st!!

Focus on your health
• Whether you’re a beginner or just trying to up your work out commitment, find something you actually like doing and dedicating time to. If you view it as a chore you’ll always put it off.
• Try something new to switch up your routine, this year I started class pass and I’ve implemented more pilates and yoga into my life (realized I needed that hint of zen in life). They have a lot of cool different classes to offer and you can find your pick.
• Pick up a cook book that seems to fit your lifestyle, there are so many, even just looking up recipes on Pinterest to start can create some new healthy menu items for your palette.
• Health isn’t just about keeping a healthy weight or meeting your fitness goals, taking care of your mind is just as important. That’s where we transition into self-care.

• This looks different to everyone, and that’s the purpose, it’s about you and nobody else. Take some time to focus on what that means to you, does that mean saying ‘no’ to a lot more commitments, taking a hiatus from a lifestyle/people (your friends will understand), having that ‘Treat yo-self’ attitude for your well-deserved self, soaking up some sun with a book or drink in hand. One thing I’m going to try in 2019 is journaling, didn’t really know where to start with that, but there are some books that have daily/weekly prompts that help you get started. I got the inspo to try journaling from my friend Tina, who started her own newsletter this year ‘Wtf is self-care’ it’s meant to serve as a resource for self-care through many outlets, and you can subscribe here.

Be less on your phone
• This world is only becoming more and more digitized, and I’m here for it, but I always try to remind myself there is a time and a place for everything. So, stay connected not only online but with the cherished relationships around you, with things that make you feel happy and that deserve your attention, be present.

Show off your talent
• If you have a passion for something, a skill, a talent; share it with others. Don’t let fear block you from expressing yourself freely. People are more willing to support you than you think, they will be excited for you and cheer you on. By opening yourself up, you’re inviting more opportunities to enter your life and letting yourself grow. You’e awesome, so show it off.

Take more risks
• Try new things, keep adding to your life experience. Take that cooking class, pick up rollerblading, try pilates, call that hottie from the bar, apply for THAT job. Your life is your own resume to build, focus on enjoying yourself boo-boo, no one is living your best life but you. Embrace the change and trust the process.

Let go
• Let go of all that doesn’t serve a purpose in your life or give you joy, the Konmari method mentioned above helps with this too when it comes to material items.
• Let go of toxic relationships/friendships, take yourself out of any environment you’re not comfortable with.
• Let go of that job that drains you, there is so much better for you out there, so take the leap.
• Let go of grudges against people, they don’t deserve your energy and you deserve to move on. Let go and let love right?
• And lastly, let go of all your self doubt and pressures you put on yourself.

Reflecting Time

In 2018 I feel like I did a lot of adulting and growing, I realized I’m a lot more capable than I give myself credit for, and I adopted some new perspectives on life in the best way. I started my blog which prompted me to get out and explore a little more, and met some cool people along the way.

Some of my resolutions for 2019:
• Invest more time in my blog
• Pick up reading books again
• Continue the mindset of ‘Konmari my life’
• Apply 2018 knowledge to 2019

I’m always so lucky to have my dear friends and family around me year after year to experience life with. I’m excited to see what new life experiences are in store for me and my loved ones. Here’s to making it a year full of constant growth, and more memorable moments. See you in 2019! ♥

  In the words of Ariana Grande

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  • Maria
    January 4, 2019 at 7:36 pm

    I absolutely love your blog and your insights!

    • Tatiana
      February 12, 2019 at 6:45 pm

      Thank you for reading and following Wandering Flamingo! Happy to read that! 🙂

  • Justin
    March 28, 2020 at 5:34 am

    Long time supporter, and thought I’d drop a comment.

    Your wordpress site is very sleek – hope you don’t mind me
    asking what theme you’re using? (and don’t mind if I steal it?

    I just launched my site –also built in wordpress like yours– but the theme slows (!)
    the site down quite a bit.

    In case you have a minute, you can find it by searching for “royal cbd” on Google (would appreciate any feedback) – it’s still in the works.

    Keep up the good work– and hope you all take care of yourself during the coronavirus scare!

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