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Being Productive at Home

April 8, 2020

Hey Everyone! Given that we have social distancing put in place until April 30th, for now. This means spending more time at home, which I know is not easy for many people for many different reasons.

We are all in a time where we might find ourselves stuck at home with nothing to do. Whether that be alone, with your roommate, or family. I sat myself down and made a list of things I’d like to spend my time on.

My List of Things to do While Being at Home

  • Make a movie list, and include your quarantine buddies so you can rotate picking from each other’s lists.
  • Cook a new recipe, or cook for the first time in your life, no judgement.
  • Make acai Bowls and top it however you’d like, some of my favorite toppings are, blueberries, granola, coconut flakes, and honey.
  • Create a mini spa day, this can include facials, massages, jade rolling your face, and try on those products you bought long ago and have been sitting on your shelf (but not the really really old ones, throw those out). If you have a pool that’s a perk and an excuse to get some drinks in the sun.
  • Keep active by riding your bike, go for a run, walk the dog, even just a walk to get fresh air is helpful.
  • Bake something sweet from scratch, healthy or not, again no judgement.
  • Bring out the board games! TV can get mundane after so many hours so give your eyes a break.
  • Make some DIY self-care scrubs, masks, recipes, you name it.
  • Clean out and reorganize your space. Now is a good time to clear out items that have been sitting unnoticed, held onto for too long, or ready to serve someone else in life.
  • You can also just catch up on that endless to-do list you may have on a piece of paper, half crumbled in your purse that been rewritten a million times. *Guilty AF* it’s honestly what I’ve been doing.

I also want to quickly blurb that no one is a pro at handling a global pandemic. Please don’t feel give in to feeling overwhelmed that you HAVE to be doing something productive or gain a new skill set in a month. Do your best to enjoy your down time. Reach out to your support system if you’re feeling overwhelmed by the whole situation.

Remember we’re all in this together.


XOXO Your Wandering Flamingo

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