
One Year Anniversary of Wandering Flamingo

September 10, 2019

Hello Everyone!

These past few months have been crazy busy for me that I realized it’s been 1 full year of my blog Wandering Flamingo! I wanted to say thank you! Thank you for those who have followed me this past year, and those who have joined in along the way. I wanted to share a bit of insight on how my blog started and my feelings towards it in the past year.

Wandering Flamingo Origins

My blog originated from the thought of wanting to share new and upcoming places and things to do in Miami. I was with one of my friends when we created the blog into existence (then naturally we went out for beer and tacos to celebrate). Being that it had the concept of exploration, we starting brainstorming how to merge ‘Exploring’ with ‘Miami’. We threw out a bunch of ideas and ‘Wandering Flamingo’ was the winner.

Why I Started Blogging

I started my blog because I wanted to challenge myself by creating a space where I’d be able to create content. I wanted to see what would come from having the space to explore that. For years I’ve enjoyed taking photos of location aesthetics, delicious meals, and anything that caught my eye. I would tell myself ‘I’m saving this for the future blog.’ Finally after creating the website, I had no excuses. I believed a Blog Website tied in with Instagram would be the best fit to be able to share content. Funny thing is I’ve never used any of that content from previous years. (Lesson Learned) I’ve always liked the creative side to Marketing, so to be able to gain some personal hands on experience with digital was also a plus.

What I’ve gained from it

I’ve gained a lot from blogging online on a personal level. I’ve been able to connect with a lot of people both in person and online, build relationships, and belong to a community. Also gaining new perspective on things and having a sense of support from those I engage with. I made it a point to surround myself with people’s blogs that inspire and share that same authentic energy I do. Blogging is a community, and it’s great to see those familiar faces in person at community events, and yet having to meet more along the way!

My biggest benefit from blogging

Blogging lets me have a creative outlet. I’ve been able to form an online space for myself that highlights things that are important to me. I’m sure with the heavy help of Instagram’s algorithm of course. There is an abundance of creative inspiration from people and their content, and I appreciate it so much. I’m really big on seeing powerful and uplifting quotes on the daily, including the ones that seem to be placed on your feed at the right moment for you to see in your life. Those are my favorite <3

How I feel about blogging now

With time passing and finally being able to experience what a year of blogging is like, it’s tough! I applaud and admire those who are on top of themselves! I enjoy sharing along the way and seeing where this takes me. I’m brainstorming to do a little re-branding with the blog. Making it less ‘day to day of Miami life’ and just more ‘day to day’. Stay tuned…

I look forward to continuing expressing myself and making connections with each of you online and in person.
Thank you for all the support and love always!


XOXO, Your Wandering Flamingo

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