Blog Wellness

The Sixth Month Mark of 2019

July 3, 2019

We kicked off the 2nd part of the year. Introducing 2019, Part 2.
And I wanted to share my 2 cents.

A lot of us set goals January 1st, we create vision boards, Pinterest boards, make lists in our phones or journals of what we hope to accomplish in the year ahead. We look to manifest and cultivate our future with all the brightest hopes in the world that this year will be ‘THE year, a better year, a different year, another good year.’ Setting things up for success where it matters most to you in the moment. Whether that be success within your finances, emotions, business, relationships, and so on. It’s a feel good kick start to the year.

Now we’ve reached the half way point and it’s a good time to reflect on what this year has brought you thus far. Think of it as a check in point, make sure your engine light is not blinking and you’re head it still screwed on right.

Look back to see how you’ve spent your last 6 months, even 3 months. Has it been productive? Have you spent your time feeding your goals? Is there something you haven’t started yet? or have you been eating shit this whole time? Anyways… that’s why we have this check point *sarcastic yay*. But no worries, like I’ve said this is a good time to refocus and see where and who you’ve been given your energy to…#yougotthis


Looking back can help you realigned your goals and shift things around to better fit what you are needing now. You may also discover a lot of things on your #goallist may have been accomplished without you even realizing it. Even some things may be in the works for you and you are starting to see things come together. It’s all part of the bigger picture. Don’t forget to take a look inward and see what personal growth has developed within you, because that always deserves recognition. You’ve made progress and you may not realize it unless you reflect.

In conclusion

Sure, we have 6 months to go for 2019 but don’t over stress yourself with planning that all out to overwhelm yourself. Do your best to be mindful of the NOW, and not the “WHAT IF’S” of tomorrow. Focus on what is in front of you and give yourself room to scale off your road map a bit. We all get side tracked #Guilty. With time always flying by, you want to make sure your present actions are in alignment of where you want to see yourself and your goals in the future.

Life is constantly changing and so are you. Embrace that.

Cheers to the next and last 6 months of 2019!

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